Saturday, 17 March 2012

Sunday 10th of June 2012

2-11 PM
Club Italia, 20 Brixton Road, SW9 6BU
FREE classes and entrance for dancing!
All welcome!!
No need to book, just show up on the day

Classes in and with Tango Release, Queer Tango London and Freedom Tango.
2-3 pm Tango Release (Adriana Pegorer)
3-4 pm Queer Tango (Tim Flynn, Ray, Carolyn)
4- 6 pm Dancing (alternating tangos with pop & disco)
6-7 pm Tango Release (Adriana Pegorer)
7-8 pm Tango Freedom (Peter Baldock)
8-11 pm Dancing (alternating tangos with pop & disco)

DJ: Ingo from Wotever Club 
(disco & pop & traditional tangos) 


Fully licensed bar.

Small designs patters painted on the face for a touch of colour and fun that you can easily remove with some water, paints are waterbase and hypoallergenic. Price £3
Also you can have temporary Glitter Tattoos on arms and decolte‘ to give sparkle touch to your dance. Tattoos last 2/4 days and are save for your skin. Price £3.50/4

Queer Tango London was set up in 2008 by Tim Flynn. It offers traditional Argentinean Tango classes and the lead and the follower roles can be danced by anyone.
Teachers are Tim, Ray & Carolyn.

Freedom Tango
"As i started dancing at eight years of age and carried on till now (age 48), that makes a 40 year adventure in dance that continues to thrill and excite me to this day! The first 20 years were all about competitive Ballroom and Latin American, travelling all around the country to compete in major championships. When I  turned professional and qualified to teach I  started to venture into other genres and a love match brought me to Argentinean tango, which I studied at The Factory around 2001 with Pablo Veron, Monica and Omar Ocampo, Leandro Palou and the late Andrea Misse.

I started a Gay tango class in 2002 at The Factory (with the support of Steve Fox) which enjoyed some success but maybe the time and place were not right and they stopped after about nine months.
In april 2009 I decided to take the bold step of running my own tango classes under the name "Freedomtango" with a vision of being inclusive, relaxed and friendly and with no pretence of being in Argentina in the 1920s. Instead i choose to drag this beautiful dance into London 2012: no stereotypical, gender based social dance codes, just lots of inspiring music from the traditional tango orchestras such as Di Sarli and D'Arienzo to Amy Winehouse and the Eurythmics!" Peter Baldock

Tango Release aims to challenge the traditional roles in Tango Argentino by mainly using principles from the partnering dance technique of Contact Improvisation. We will work on gently warming up the body and the senses and walking in different patterns in a playful partnership. 
With Adriana Pegorer.

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